Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where Do I Begin?

Fitting title for her pose. Resonates with my day. New issues, old issues, unresolved issues. I rarely take any stock in horoscopes, but today hit the nail right in the head! "Don't give up-- you need to see today's projects all the way through to conclusion. Things are going to get weird, that's for sure, but you can handle it all, as long as you keep looking to the future." That don't give up phrase offered recently in kindness and the images of rhinoceroses still hold my mind. The connections to ancients bringing energy to solitude, spiritual idealism, high sensitivity to smell. Rhino aids in personal power and developing intuitions which will aid in the sharpening of instincts for discrimination and discernment. Are we lost yet? Today's angel of the day is the angel of discernment. I think I'm thoroughly confused as this is simply getting weird. So many lessons to learn, so very little time. I suppose listening to the ancients would be a very good place to start to work on discernment.Tomorrow I'll share my talk with badger.


Laura said...

The teachers are all around you it would seem, and hard to listen to all at once. But grateful the inspiration is comeing. Just as it is when troubled time come our way we have a hard time staying a foot, I find that when the good comes around it has be unstable too. keep it simple, one foot infront of the other and easy does it but do it. and a couple of deep breaths.

Laura said...

I have to ask where all these drawing done at the figure workshop? if so you must have had different models?

Doris said...

Not current workshops, out of my sketch books. Usually 8 models in two months, before repeating.