Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Alcove Exhibit at Tall Grass

I was the last to arrive to hang my display, so wall space limited, I chose to use the alcove and continued to fill the area heading out the the gallery into the classroom section of the Arts Center. Probably could have skipped the matted work as it was mostly pencil and showing pale in the photos. There are 10-12 artists with many decidely different styles, the exhibit is definately worth the drive out. Enjoy!


Laura said...

What an accomplishment lady...all the work hanging in one place...would you have thought that to be about a year ago...well congrats..wish a grand reception..

if I may say....you are cutting your own path...though hard to do keep it up..it's showing

butterfly woman said...

Yes, it almost looks like your own show! Very cool. They look nice all hanging up, a common theme but still each so unique. Hope I can stop by when I'm in that neck of the woods!