Friday, January 28, 2011

Naked Happenings

Attendees doing quick gestures of model, Mike nearly naked.

Tahtia is a costume model, I am looking forward to a session with her very engaging beauty.

Some of the exhibiting artists. David George, Roz Davidson, Joseph Perryman, and Maureen Hubbard Cribbs.

Roger Paris leading off the session of gestures with explanations and invitations. Now who could turn Roger's enthusiasm for life drawing down? The show runs through Feb. 6, drawings done by friends and family of exhibitors added to the display. Some natural talent exposed. It was great that model Bob and his wife Pat joined our celebration, Thanks for coming!


Bob said...

Great show Doris and it was nice seeing more of your work outside the realm of this blog.

Laura said...

What a wonderful show and the way it was done...I would say more needs to be presented this inviting and welcoming to the viewer...who might be second guess if they should walk in to a life drawing class...but here they can really peek in and see it happening...Good for you there glad you were invited to be part of this...

Uta said...

Ooh looks like a great show!!!!