Sunday, August 23, 2009

Imagine on Main

I'd mistakenly titled this "Jordan" previously, this is "Jill." Another great model that we've not had in awhile as she's quite busy with school. I pulled it out of the Kendall Art Guild booth at Oswego Art Fair and walked it back over to Imagine On Main where it will be available for sale. Located at 56 N. Main in Oswego. 630)551-7665. She seems to look stunning among jewelry display. $150.00


Elena said...

I thought I saw this! It's a beautiful piece that I was admiring. The colors are so beautiful and sensual.

Laura said...

Agree and there's this freshness to her. Be it the pastals that you don't normally use or what, you have capture a beauty, my dear. It was good to see you yesterday and though the weight of more thing are added to you plate, I'm grateful your vehical is getting from A to B which is so important. Hugs lady!

april said...

I really like this "portrait" too. Love seeing all the colors you used to create her hair, etc. Lovely!