Monday, May 18, 2009

Women's Business Network

Attended monthly meeting of my group involvement in entrepreneurship. Women's Business Network meets third Monday of month, and there it is always a learning and sharing experience. Meetings are held at North Central College Campus in Naperville, IL. Tonight Jackie Kleck, an organizer, gave ideas on getting rid of clutter and lists of options for going green with your de-clutter projects. Good reference material. I was able to give my business representation and brought my visuals, prints and plates and photo portfolio of work for viewing. I was pleased with the comments and interest it initiated. Lynn Zuk-Lloyd did a presentation on marketing on the internet and all the different options and ideas out there on our cyber playgrounds. What we do with them and how we draw interest initiating sales is multifaceted and building a web of resourses and connections a powerful component of sales today. Rather pumped from the discussions, so much to little time.

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