Sunday, October 31, 2010

Flying Pig Gallery, Algoma Wisconsin

I have so many images from "The Flying Pig" that I filled my camera too soon, but there was so much there to see, the outside gardens were quite magical, this path and that path and where to next?


april said...

I'm sorry we didn't get to go by there this year - we take a different route. But will hit it next time. One year, I bought the best glasses there made from recycled bottles. A favorite of ours now.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great place to visit... hope Laura's exhibition has gone well.

Laura said...

I think the gals hooked...gets the Wisconsin scene and the waves all in one package...She Doris that is might be my traveling buddy here...we just need to get her to send some image up that way and see if she can get in there...idea and not a bad one at that..

Doris said...

I'm thinking of some oil pastels of Algoma scenery...