Monday, October 19, 2009

Imagine on Main

Linocuts available at Imagine on Main, downtown Oswego, Illinois.


Suz said...

Oh my gosh...I think Pedro is saying he likes it too.
Is this your work? Of course, I believe it is. Well I love love it
Can you ever demonstrate how you do one? Or maybe you already have..sorry if I missed it.
You are so very talented.

butterfly woman said...

You are getting an international fan base as well you should!
I never get tired of looking at these two pieces. They so reflect your love of nature. Glad they are on display. I too wonder how you do this. An artform beyond my imagination!

Robin said...

Sure wish I could read Spanish!!
What an adventurer your dog is!! He just needed to see his world from a new perspective, perhaps??
Love your prints!! I've always wanted to try that!!

Doris said...

I'll ask Isa tomorrow to translate it for me.

Elena said...

You can delete his comment. He's trying to make the public aware of a fraudulent vendor in Mexico he claims is affiliated with the drug cartel.

Suz said...

no _ _ _ _!


Anyway Doris....I just love them...I'll have to get over to that shop

Doris said...

The public? On my blog? Maybe I should leave it.

april said...

Your linocuts are wonderful. My favorites and I have them!