A pleasent evening it was. The crowd seemed small at first, but gradually filled the reception area. I had my demo set up to peak interest in my corner. seems I left with only half the stack of business cards I brought. I really set up a nice display(sorry I didn't photo that!)to show relief printing. Made two unexpected sales. Was just trying to get my cards out there. Kendall Arts Guild President bought my bird print, "Hunger" and a new fan of mine bought a print hot off the press of "The Flag" As I didn't have change for her twenty she paid me $15. in gold coins! Now what do I say to that? Lovely lady with gold, and what shall I do with it? Certainly it will go into inheritance coins for my children! Is it income if you don't spend it? It was a wonderful evening of entertainment. Wonderful classic guitar...little dancers...tongue in cheek play recittal...youth's composed music for summer musical...interpretive readings, really a wonderful array of local talents.