Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Many Directions

I feel very blessed to have friends here following and cheering and guiding. You're all so wonderful. Thank You!
I have been exercising and keeping in with habit forming...feeling a bit stronger each day. Walking resumed with return to work and lunch break. Today, walking through the slush was like an extra workout, fixing myself upright and continuing forward. I was very grateful to see Blue Heron who quite quickly moved from the 50 foot sighting to a more comfortable 200 foot distance. But for a moment we stood still.
I had opened an email earlier today to a wonderful photo of a blue heron and would have certainly missed the sighting had I skipped the walk due to weather conditions. Was there something we were to discuss and share? My shamanism seems to be important of late. The New Year is underway and wow it's already filling where I'd hope extra time to catch up.


butterfly woman said...

I want to say I am very blessed to have you in my life as well. You positively energize and renew me with your support of my journey as well. I feel joy with our connection and your words lighten me up.
Well, I suppose the blue heron stepped out of my photo and transformed itself into a real life appearance for you. I'd like to think there's some magical shamanism link there. I think the silent communion you shared with the bird was beautiful.

Bob said...


I would like to thank you for keeping me partially connected to the arts in the far western burbs. It's grounded me and I feel better about myself because of it.


april said...

A magical day. What a nice start to your new year's journal.