Saturday, August 9, 2008

Capt Destructo

I finished a three job day and wonder, I had done this so many times before. No big deal. It is a big deal, it's extemely depressing that one can work so many hours and consistantly have everything one earns taken away. I was hoping this months accrued overtime could bring down my debt load, but reality is far too often unlike compatability as wages go down and debits expect higher payments. Gas company asserted in letter I was on COD basis. How unkind and cruel in this flogging society. Did somebody get a raise this month? Minimum wage went up. How does that affect middle class? Our wages did not also increase so we are closer even to poverty ever. Oops I am poverty and should accept those terms.
This weeks Destructo chewings, the garden hose, my Sound of Paper book. Box of tissues, exercise mat, the replaced garden hose.

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