Thursday, June 19, 2008

Homestretch to the Weekend

Running behind seems to be becoming a morning ritual. Of course the paycheck will show that. Once again, recognition that sleep is so important and I'm not getting a full amount. Lose willpower when presented with dietary indiscretions, fall into a daze at the desk, needing to rise and circulate some blood. Capt. Destructo just chomped the june bug that flew in the open door! At least he gets credit for that. Belongings tucked away are not safe, those left in plain sight he'll disregard, but hidden things, things put away and toddler proofed get chewed up. Still, at least someone is making decisions on what clutter to remove from our homestead. Rarely am I caught sorting through things unseen or seen for that matter. Some chatting with daughter while she got ready for evening out. Was really nice that we were home at the same time. Got to tell her how naughty her pup is. Shared more household insights. Evening nice enough to get in pool and clean it. Short amount of water exercise before blood thirsty mosquitoes came out. So now I'm off to catch up with my chapter and maybe even get a full nights rest. Tomorrow is cousin Laura's birthday, hope it's wonderful from start to finish!

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