Sunday, July 27, 2008


I haven't decided on a title for this piece, but worked this weekend at matting and framing her. She is an excellent model, wonder if she's still working? So frequently a new model will fall in a pose and there's an actual shift of weight and no longer are you working from life, still shadows are available, but direction of limbs change when that release of muscle happens. But the model here, so completely professional, facial expressions even continue. It is consuming work to model, holding a pose will overwork a muscle and release allows a break for the artist and model alike. Flurry of activity this weekend, working to move art into a gallery I was accepted at...for $225.00 a month! Great location, promise of sales, but I traveled to the city with the intent of a $50.00 space and find $225.00 for a space that might only house one painting. So if your work is large,and you want to exhibit two pieces for the month would that be $450.00? The trip to Chicago was disheartening, as I drove back, the thought entered my mind, "Don't quit!" Not all galleries would offer what's perceived as an emerging artist space, but certainly any struggling gallery would take interest in receiving $225.00 for a 3' X 4' space. Ready to doze here, stayed up late and got up early to work on framing a new piece I'm ready to wipe out.


Laura said...

I like this one too. Keep it up lady.

butterfly woman said...

Thanks for sharing how a model feels. I think that's a tough job to sit so still. Love the colors again, your women have such expressive emotion. Each is so unique as are we all.
Best of luck with the gallery. Sounds like a learning experience.